DOI: 1
The Middle Jurassic flora from the Xishanyao Formation in Baiyang River area of northwestern Junggar Basin, Xinjiang, China comprises 39 species belonging to 24 genera, so far as known. 25 species of 15 genera are described in this paper. Among them, the spores in situ Coniopteris hymenophylloides with their sporangia and sori are found for the first time in Xinjiang. Anatomically, the cuticles of the leaves of Phoenicopsis (Phoenicopsis) angustifolia are also first studied with SEM in this area. The present flora is characterized by dominance of ferns, czekanowskiales, ginkgoales and conifers, and scarcity of bennettitales and cycadales. The flora belongs to a typical inland flora probably reflecting a warm-temperate climate. The geological age of the flora is Middle Jurassic and might be the early Middle Jurassic. Paleophytogeographically, the flora belongs to the Siberian Region of the Early-Middle Jurassic Eurasian Realm, indicating a warm and humid climate with seasonal changes, which was favorable for coal formation.