This paper describes three new species of Pisidiidae, Pisidium (P.) zhushutangense, Sphaerium(S.) pyrum and Sphaerium (S.) fujianense, assoeiated with very abundant Plicatounio (P.) naktongensis Kobayashi et Suzuki, Plicatounio (P.) fujianensis Gu et Ma and Trigonioides (T.) quadratus Gu et Ma from the Lower Cretaceous upper Hekou Formation of Zhushutang, Hekou Basin, Ninghhua, Fujian. In Japan, the last two species, Sphaerium (S.) pyrum and Sphaerium (S.) fujianense, or their affinis coexist with each other in the upper Wakino Subgroup, the lower Wakamiya and upper Wakamiya Formations, and the lower Inakura Formation, Yamaji Shale, which very probably can be correlated with the upper Hekou Formation yielding these two species.The distinction between Pisidium and Sphaerium is summarized in Table I.