本文根据一枚产自中国新疆维吾尔自治区下侏罗统三工河组的昆虫化石标本建立1新属新种——秉氏巨沫蝉(Magnicercopis pingi Zhang, Chen et Zhang, gen. et sp. nov.), 归入已灭绝的半翅目原沫蝉科。本新属的衍征包括: MP脉3分支, 存在横脉im, MP脉分支处于CuA脉分支处的基侧。本文对新属种与中国侏罗纪的原沫蝉科类群, 尤其是Longucercopis xinjiangensis Zhang, Chen et Zhang, 2022进行了详细的翅脉对比: M. pingi盖翅长约为L. xinjiangensis的两倍、MP脉3分支(后者2分支)、MP脉首次分支处位于CuA脉分支处基侧(后者位于CuA脉分支处端侧)、M. pingi具横脉im (后者未见im脉)。这一发现不仅提高了对原沫蝉科多样性的认识, 也丰富了该科的翅脉信息。
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A new extinct procercopid (Hemiptera) genus and species, Magnicercopis pingi Zhang, Chen et Zhang, gen. et sp. nov., is established based on a tegmen specimen collected from the Lower Jurassic Sangonghe Formation near Urumqi, northern Xinjiang, NW China. The new genus is unique in having three MP terminals, the presence of crossvein im, and forking level of MP basal to that of CuA. A detailed comparison of venation is made between this new taxon and other Jurassic procercopids from China, especially its closest relative, Longucercopis xinjiangensis Zhang, Chen et Zhang, 2022. This finding not only increases the diversity of the Procercopidae but also provides some tegmen information for this family.
国家自然科学基金(42125201, 42288201)和沈阳师范大学博士启动项目(BS202209)联合资助