罗马尼亚白垩纪植物群以压型植物化石为代表, 其他植物化石类型则包括碎屑和搬运的类群, 并缺乏角质层和孢粉学记录。以压型为代表的白垩纪植物群主要分布在南喀尔巴阡山脉的几个盆地(包括Ha?eg、Rusca Montan?和Ruc?r盆地)、特兰西瓦尼亚(特兰西凡尼亚盆地)和多布罗吉亚(巴巴达格盆地), 在东喀尔巴提亚山脉也有少量分布。这些植物群的时代从Cenomanian到Maastrichtian, 其分类多样性包括蕨类植物(木贼类、真蕨类)、 裸子植物(松柏类)和被子植物(单子叶植物和双子叶植物)。从古植物地理学的角度来看, 罗马尼亚白垩纪植物群属于欧洲省Eurosinian地区, 分布在特提斯地区的北部框架上, 唯一的成煤植物群分布在Rusca Montan?盆地。
[Key word]
The Cretaceous macrofloras of Romania are mainly preserved as compressions in several basins of the South Carpathians (Ha?eg, Rusca Montan?, and Ruc?r basins), Transylvania (Transylvanian Basin) and Dobrogea (Babadag Basin), with insignificant occurrences in the East Carpathians. Preservation of the Romania Cretaceous flora is generally poor, as the plant compressions usually lack cuticles or in situ spores and pollen. The ages of these floras range from the Cenomanian up to the Maastrichtian, and their biodiversity encompasses pteridophytes (horsetails and ferns), gymnosperms (conifers) and angiosperms (monocotyledonates and dicotyledonates). From the palaeophytogeographic point of view, the Romanian Cretaceous floras belong to the European Province of the Eurasian Region, occurring along the northern frame of the Tethys realm. The only coal flora was discovered in the Rusca Montan? Basin, while the rest of the Romanian Cretaceous floras are allochthonous floras preserved in clastic sediments.