《古生物学报》自1953年创刊, 至今已有70年历史。70年来, 学报编委会几代古生物学家勇毅担当, 乐于奉献, 砥砺前行, 为推动古生物学科的学术出版与交流做出了重要贡献。新世纪以来, 《古生物学报》赓续精神, 守正创新, 实行了一系列创新发展举措, 同时坚持中国特色, 国际视角, 不断推进学术内涵提升, 向精品化和高质量发展, 并被国际著名数据库Scopus收录。未来学报将勇于创新, 再接再厉, 依靠广大作者的积极支持和学术成果, 把《古生物学报》办出新水平和新高度, 为积极宣传中国的古生物学科研成果、推动古生物学科发展与学术交流作出新贡献。
[Key word]
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (APS) has a history of 70 years since its inception in 1953. Over the past 70 years, several generations of palaeontologists on the editorial board of APS have made important contributions to promoting academic publications and exchange of ideas in paleontology. Since the beginning of the new century, APS has been continuing in its history spirit and foster to its academic integrity and innovation, and has implemented a series of innovative development measures. At the same time, the journal adheres to its Chinese characteristics and international perspectives, promoting the improvement of its academic connotation, and thriving toward the target of a high-quality journal. In particular, APS has been recently included in the internationally renowned Elsevier database Scopus. In the future, APS will continue its courage and persistence to innovate and make continuous efforts to elevate the journal to a higher level, and make new contributions to promoting palaeontological publications, the development of palaeontology, and academic exchanges in China.