本文对华南报道的假希瓦格?Pseudoschwagerina的48个种进行了分类厘定。通过搜集已发表属种的测量数据, 并重新度量部分南京地质古生物研究所标本馆的馆藏标本, 使用Past软件对这些种进行了判别分析。 通过定性及定量研究, 将其分为两个大类、9个小类。第一大类特征为壳长, 纺锤形–长纺锤形, 轴率多大于2.0, 隔壁褶皱较强; 第二大类特征为壳短, 近球形-粗纺锤形, 轴率多在2.0以下, 隔壁褶皱微弱–较强。进一步根据个体大小和幼壳特征的变化可以看出, 壳体较短的种往往具有粗纺锤形至亚球形的幼壳, 且幼壳包卷的圈数少, 仅1.5–2圈;而壳体较长的种通常具有长纺锤形–纺锤形的幼壳, 幼壳包卷圈数相对较多, 常有2–4圈。结合初房大小、幼壳特征和壳长, 第一大类和第二大类又可以细分为9个小类。
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This paper reclassify 48 species of Pseudoschwagerina previously reported from South China. The measurements of the length, width of the shells, form ratios, radius of the proloculus, number of inner tightly-coiled and outer loosely-coiled volutions are entered into a database for quantitative analysis. Some holotype specimens stored in Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology have been re-measured. All species are projected onto a 3-D map using the software Grapher to show inter-species distances. Two groups can be recognized. One group is characterized by having fusiform to long fusiform shells, strong septal folding, and a form ratio greater than 2.0. The other group is characterized by having subspherical or thickly fusiform shells, weak to strong septal folding, and a form ratio less than 2.0. A further comparison of the inner volutions as well as the length of the shells of all species is made. Our analysis shows that species with longer shells usually contain long fusiform to fusiform inner shells and have less, normally 1–1.5, inner volutions, whereas those species with shorter shells contain short fusiform to subspheric younger shells and have relatively more, usually 2–4, inner volutions. Therefore, four and five subgroups are recognized in the first and second group, respectively, based on a comprehensive evaluation of the features of the younger shells, the size of the proloculous and the length of the shells.
国家自然科学基金(41830323)、地质调查项目(DD20221829)与中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(B 类) (XDB26000000)联合资助