化石植物的中文名, 即化石植物学名的中文译名, 在古植物学、植物演化生物学专业领域和科学普及等方面起着重要的作用。然而, 长期以来对化石植物中文名重视程度不够且拟订时缺乏统一的标准, 导致各种文本中化石植物的中文名比较混乱, 不利于古植物学知识的传播及科学普及。本文通过统计中文古植物学综合性文献和教材中的化石植物中文名, 梳理出化石植物中文名拟订方面出现的一些包括同物异中文名、中文名重名、音译拗口和存在生僻字的使用等常见问题。针对这些问题, 本文提出应尽快制定出一套规范统一的化石植物中文名拟定方案, 编写和出版化石植物拉汉词典及相应网络查询系统等, 从而统一和规范化石植物的中文名, 同时也可为化石动物中文名的拟订方案提供相关参考。
[Key word]
The Chinese names of fossil plants, namely Chinese translations of scientific names of fossil plants, play an import role in research and popular science of paleobotany and history of plant evolutionary biology in China. However, a number of con-fusions of Chinese names of fossil plants that occurred in the literature greatly hindered the dissemination and population of paleobotanical science due to lacking enough attention and a unified standard of Chinese names for fossil plants. Here, we summarize several issues of Chinese names of fossil plants, including synonym, tautonym, awkward-sounding, rarely-used Chinese characters, based on the data collected from Chinese paleobotany literature and textbooks. These issues and confu-sions reflect that it is urgent for a standardization of the Chinese names of fossil plants, and publish a dictionary and the cor-responding network query system of Chinese-Latin names for plant fossils. The purpose is not only to unify and standardize the Chinese names of fossil plants, but also to provide reference for the Chinese names of fossil animals.