根据产自缅甸北部白垩纪中期克钦琥珀中的一块小型花蚤化石标本, 建立1新种——小多刺花蚤(Multispinus parvus sp. nov.), 归于花蚤科(Mordellidae)。同时, 对缅甸琥珀中已发现的花蚤和泛花蚤进行了重新观察和研究, 重点分析了其形态学特征并认真考虑了相关分类学依据, 将短尾花蚤科(Apotomouridae)修订为花蚤科之下的短尾花蚤亚科(Mordellidae: Apotomourinae)。短尾花蚤中普遍存在的臀锥完全不发育, 不可作为区分于花蚤科的衍征。白垩纪中期琥珀中发现的花蚤化石类群体型均小, 这也许与白垩纪中期生态环境和栖息地被子植物花朵形态有关。
[Key word]
A new small-bodied beetle, Multispinus parvus sp. nov., is described from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber and assigned to Mordellidae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea). Based on a careful re-examination of the Mordellidae and mordellid-like beetles from the Burmese amber and analysis of their morphological characters, the family Apotomouridae is reduced herein to a subfamily of Mordellidae as Apotomourinae. The absence of a pygidium in Apotomourinae cannot be regarded as a synap-omorphy. All known mordellids found in the mid-Cretaceous ambers are all small in size, which may be related to the mid-Cretaceous ecological environment and the early angiosperm flower morphology in their habitat.
中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDB26000000, XDA19050101)和国家自然科学基金项目(41622201, 41688103)联合资助。