白垩纪缅甸琥珀昆虫化石研究是当前古昆虫学研究的热点之一。广腰亚目是膜翅目中的一个重要类群, 其研究不仅为探讨膜翅目起源、早期演化、系统发育、不同地质时期古地理、古生态等方面提供重要的科学证据, 而且可为陆地生态系统中的生物多样性研究提供重要材料。文中综述缅甸琥珀的研究简史及研究现状, 阐述广腰亚目在印痕化石与缅甸琥珀中的特点、分布情况及该亚目在印痕化石与缅甸琥珀间的研究差异, 进而探讨膜翅目广腰亚目化石当前研究现状、存在的问题及未来前景, 并期望广大研究者增加对缅甸琥珀广腰亚目类群的关注和研究。
[Key word]
The research of insect fossils in Cretaceous Burmese amber is one of the hotspots of current palaeoentomology. Symphyta, as an important hymenopteran group, provides us not only the evidence-based researches in origin, early evolution, phylog-eny, paleogeography and paleoecology in different geological periods, but also the crucial materials for understanding the bi-odiversity in terrestrial ecosystems. This paper reviews the history and current status in studying Burmese amber. The char-acteristics and distributions of Symphyta preserved as compressed fossils and in amber are described. We further discuss the problems, current situation and prospect of Symphyta and hope for more focus and research on Symphyta in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar.
国家自然科学基金项目(41702012, 41688103)、中国博士后科学基金项目(193131)、山东省重点研发计划项目(2019GNC106135)和国家级大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201910446026)联合资助。