近五年, 缅甸北部白垩纪中期克钦琥珀中相继发现了数百枚蜻蜓目化石, 包含现生蜻蜓目三个亚目类群, 目前已发表16科29属35种, 在所有已知琥珀记录中数量和多样性最高。克钦琥珀中的蜻蜓目以均翅亚目(豆娘)为主, 以Burmahemiphlebia zhangi最为常见, 不少现生豆娘的化石记录也首次在克钦琥珀中发现, 包括Perilestidae, Platycnemididae和Platystictidae等。此外, 克钦琥珀中发现了一些中生代沉积岩中常见的蜻蜓目类群, 如Araripegomphidae, Gomphaeschnidae和Stenophlebiidae等, 指示克钦琥珀的时代可能为早白垩世晚期。这些发现为探讨蜻蜓目部分类群的起源、演化和揭示生物古地理提供了有力证据。
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In the past five years, abundant and diverse odonatans were described from mid-Cretaceous Kachin amber, including three extant suborders. The odonatans in Kachin amber are quite diversified with 35 species described and dominated by the dam-selfly Burmahemiphlebia zhangi. These odonatans contain some first fossil records of extant damselflies, i.e., Perilestidae, Platycnemididae and Platystictidae. Some dragonflies previously only recorded in the Cretaceous sedimentary rocks, such as Araripegomphidae, Gomphaeschnidae and Stenophlebiidae, provide a late Early Cretaceous age for Kachin amber. The dragonflies in Kachin amber contribute to discussing the origin, evolution and palaeogeography of Odonata.
中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDB26000000)和国家自然科学基金项目(41602003, 41772012, 41622201, 41688103)联合资助。