川西南峨眉山地区上白垩统夹关组由一套厚层到块状中、细砂岩组成,夹有少量粉砂岩和泥岩,底部有砾岩。本组地层中发育有丰富的遗迹化石,共识别出9属11种。根据遗迹化石的分布情况,划分出了5种遗迹组构,即:Palaeophycus遗迹组构、Arenicolites遗迹组构、Skolithos遗迹组构、Planolites遗迹组构和Scoyenia 遗迹组构;结合它们所分布岩层的沉积特征,认为前三者分别分布于河流环境中水动力强的边滩下部、水动力中等到较强的边滩中上部和边滩向堤岸过渡的环境,后两者分布于水动力较弱的天然堤环境。
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The Upper Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation mainly consists of a set of thick-bedded fine-to medium-grained sandstones, with a few intercalations of siltstones and mudstones, and conglomerates at its bottom in the Emei Mt. area, southwest Sichuan Basin. It contains a large amount of trace fossils, which has been attributed to 9 ichnogenera and 11 ichnospecies. Based on the characteristic trace fossils and their tiering patterns, they are divided into 5 types of ichnofabrics: Palaeophycus ichnofabric, Arenicolites ichnofabric, Skolithos ichnofabric, Planolites ichnofabric and Scoyenia ichnofabric. Palaeophycus ichnofabric is observed at the bottom of the point bar of fluvial deposits with very high energy. Arenicolites ichnofabric is preserved in the point bar and Skolithos ichnofabrics in the transitional environment from the point bar to the embankment in fluvial deposits. And the last two ichnofabrics are both preserved in the natural levee deposits with lower energy.