随着国家对基础研究的日趋重视,我国的古生物学,包括早期生命和寒武纪大爆发研究取得了长足的进步,研究手段和仪器设备日益改善和提高,例如扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和 X 射线显微断层成像技术(Micro-CT)的使用已经十分广泛。本研究以我国滇东地区寒武纪澄江化石库和乌龙菁组关山生物群特异保存的腕足动物化石为例,运用高性能微区 X 射线荧光光谱仪对化石标本和围岩的成分进行了定性和半定量分析。由于 X 射线有一定的穿透能力,且生物体与围岩的组成元素不同,因此对标本的定性分析可快速清晰地显示出某些生物体在光学显微镜下未显示出的生物解剖结构;对化石中化学元素(Na-U)和化合物的半定量分析数据可大致揭示澄江生物群与关山生物群沉积矿物元素的区别,并且筛选出更适合用于高精度元素分析的标本。微区 X 射线荧光光谱仪在测试和扫描前对样品普遍不用进行前期处理,可用于样品表面扫描和微区分析,操作快捷、有效,加之其较大的样品台空间,是一种先进的高灵敏度、非破坏性的元素分析手段,能为对比研究诸如澄江生物群与关山生物群等不同时代生物群的特异埋藏条件和沉积环境提供新的信息。
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With the increasing emphasis on basic research in China,great achievements have been made in paleontology,especially in the study of early life and the Cambrian explosion.Research facilities have been improved,such as Scanning Electron Microscopy(SEM)and X-ray microtomography Scanner(Micro-CT)have been used extensively in researches. Micro X-ray Fluorescence(μ-XRF) is a non-destructive technique used to study those exceptionally preserved brachiopod fossils from the lower Cambrian lagerst?tten in South China.Here we present the first μ-XRF mapping of exquisite fossils with soft-part preservation recovered from the Wulongqing Formation of two important localities,the Jianshan section and the Gaoloufang section in eastern Yunnan.Due to the Penetrative capabilities of this technique,some fine details,such as lophophore, which is invisible under optical microscope, can be observed. Semiquantitative analysis of chemical elements(Na-U)and compounds in the matrix also reveals subtle differences in sedimentary mineral characteristics between the Chengjiang and the Guanshan deposits.μ-XRF does not require any sample preparation before testing and scanning,which is a useful and non-destructive technique for surface scanning of specimens,and micro-area analysis at different scales.μ-XRF is providing critical new information for comparative studies of the preservation and sedimentary environment of fauna in critical deposits such as the Chengjiang and the Guanshan deposits.