本研究以云南寒武纪澄江生物群节肢动物周小姐虫 (Misszhouia longicaudata)为例,使用显微 CT(Computed Tomography,计算机断层扫描的简写)技术对其保存在化石围岩内部的结构信息进行提取。通过Drishti软件对 CT 数据进行处理后,研究者可以在不破坏标本的前提下复原该动物腿肢较为完整的三维细节。此研究方法一方面对传统研究方法进行了重要补充,另一方面在研究中也对保存精美的澄江生物群化石起到保护作用,对这类标本的研究和保护具有重要意义。
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In order to exemplify the application of the micro-CT(Computed Tomography)technique to the study of arthropod fossils,we observed the buried structures of a specimen of Misszhouia longicaudata from the Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerst?tte with such a non-destructive technique.The data resulted from micro-CT scanning were proceeded with the software Drishti to obtain 3D models of the appendages.Compared with the traditional method that involves light microscopic imaging, the micro-CT technique has the advantages of both being able to detect the buried structures and avoiding damaging the specimen,and is thus highly recommended for the study of fossils.
国家自然科学基金 NSFC U1302232,NSFC 41372031 和 NSFC 41528202共同资助