大型双瓣壳节肢动物吐卓虫 Tuzoia是一个形态丰富的属,广泛分布在北美、中国、澳大利亚和捷克的寒武系第二、三统中。文中报道了采自贵州剑河八郎“清虚洞组”的吐卓虫的2种:即 Tuzoia jianheensis sp.nov.与 T.bispinosa Yuan and Zhao,1999。新种的主要特征为中后刺、后腹刺细长,腹部边缘发育有锯齿状边缘刺,壳面网纹细密,不同于 Tuzoia的其他种,有较强地域性。新种化石数量占优,占总数三分之二。T.bispinisa 背缘发育有三角形或近三角形背刺,前后铰突发育,壳面的网纹以不规则六边形为主,网眼大。T.jianheensis sp.nov.与上覆凯里组的 T.bispinosa对比研究,得出 Tuzoia的壳长有变短的趋势。
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Tuzoia occurs in strata of Cambrian Series 2 to 3in North America,China,Australia and Czech Republic.This paper reports 2species of Tuzoia from the “Tsinghsutung Formation”at Balang Village,Jianhe County of Guizhou:T.jianheensis sp.nov.and T.bispinosa Yuan and Zhao,1999.T .jianheensis sp.nov.is characterized by midposterior spine and posteroventral spine both prominent and slender, ventral margins with denticulation ventral spines,and dense reticulate pattern on the surface of carapace,it is endemic.Specimens of T.jianheensis sp.nov.account for 2/3are more abundant than those of T.bispinosa.T .bispinosa with strong triangular or subt-riangular dorsal spines along dorsal margin,anterior cardinal process broadbased,reticulate pattern large and are mainly in irregular hexagon.The comparison of Tuzoiabetween“Tsinghsutung Formation”and Kaili Formation concludes that the shell shape of Tuzoia gradually become shorter through the stratigraphy.