在我国贵州省麻江县埃迪卡拉纪—寒武纪过渡时期的留茶坡组硅质岩中,发现了丰富的丝状蓝藻化石。通过观察岩石薄片共鉴定出蓝藻门颤藻科的 6 个种,包括 Calyptothrix perfecta,Calyptothrix major,Megathrix longus,Obruchevellasp.,Palaeolyngbya barghoorniana,以及Palaeolyngbyasp.。此外,还发现一种未定名的丝状微体化石,经观察与对比,认为该丝状化石形态接近于现代鞘丝藻 Lyngbya,由于其胶鞘具有独特的规则环纹,可能为鞘丝藻属的一个新种,在本组硅质岩中为首次发现。该发现丰富了留茶坡组的微体生物化石资料,为埃迪卡拉纪—早寒武世的生物演化提供新的化石材料。
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Abundant filamentous cyanobacteria have been discovered from the Ediacaran-Cambrian Liuchapo chert at the Yangtiao section,Majiang County,Guizhou Province. Six Oscillatoriaceae species comprising of different genera are identified,including Calyptothrix perfecta, Calyptothrix major, Megathrix longus, Obruchevella sp.,Palaeolyngbya barghoorniana, and Palaeolyn-gbya sp..In addition,an unnamed filamentous microfossil that is morphologically similar to the modern Lyngbyais also described.Based on its unique finely annulated sheath and coarsely annulated filaments,the unnamed fossil may represent a new species belonging to the genus Lyngbya.The systematic study of the Oscilla-toriaceae adds new palaeontological data to refine the biostratigraphic framework,and improves our understanding of the diversification of the primary producers during this time period transitioning from Proterozoic to Phanerozoic.