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A study of semblages from tryopsis shrub, grassland in Ma east part of Yin pollen influx and surface pollen aspeak meadow, birch forest, Osartificial pine forest and weeds nhan and Daqing Mountains in the shan mountains found that the diversities are obvious of pollen influx and pollen eontent among different vegetation types, even among different sample sites in the same vegetation type. The Tauber trap sample has smaller pollen source area than surface pollen and reflects surrounding vegetation well. But it is easily influenced by anthophilous pollen and local plants pollen. The pollen assemblages in Tauber traps are different from the surface pollen in the same sites. Pollen percentages of Pinus, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae and Betula in surface samples are higher than that of Tauber trap samples, indicating these pollen taxa have stronger ability of transportation and preservation. Gramineae pollen is a kind of under-represented pollen types and weak to be preserved.
科学技术部基础研究重大项目 , 国家自然科学基金 , 河北省博士科研项目 , 高等学校博士学科点专项科研项目