记述发现于辽宁省朝阳县原家洼村中生代地层中的反鸟类一新科:真翼鸟科(Alethoalaornithidae fam.nov.)。由于该科鸟类具有肩胛骨直,第1、2指仍有爪,腓骨和胫跗骨不愈合,趾骨不太钩曲等特征,将真翼鸟科归入华夏鸟目(Cathayornithiformes)。真翼鸟科的特有特征包括:吻尖,齿少,牙齿退化的趋势明显,腕掌骨基本形成,乌喙骨远端宽,肱骨近端具明显的气窝,尾综骨长,跗蹠骨末端三趾骨等长且滑车末端基本处于同一水平面,趾骨爪长,不甚钩曲等。通过对新材料和其它早期鸟类的对比认为,反鸟类的灭绝不仅有自身构造的原因,还有它们所生活的生态环境多变的原因。
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In this paper we report a new family of enantiornithiness from the Early Cretaceous of western Liaoning:Alethoalaornithidae Fam.nov.The new family is assigned to Cathayornithiformes based on similar length of trochlea at the distal end of tarsometatarsus.The main features of Alethoalaornithidae are listed below:sharp beak;few and rudimentary teeth;carpometacarpus developed basically ;coracoid broad at the distal end;obvious foramina at the proximal end of humerus;long pygostyle;three digits of tarsometatarsus being the same in length with trochlea at the same height;and long claws,with no curves.