内蒙古西部银根-额济纳旗盆地巴格毛德呼伦陶勒盖地区下白垩统巴音戈壁组产有大量的叶肢介化石。该动物群含有河西走廊赤金堡组常见分子Diestheria jiayuguanensis和Yumenestheria delicatula,从而指示两组的对比关系。地质时代隶属于早白垩世九佛堂期。
[Key word]
The Early Cretaceous fossil conchostracans are collected from the Bayingebi Formation of Huluntaolegai, Bagemaode in the Inggen-Ejin Qi Basin, weastern Inner Mongolia. The conchostracan fauna consists of Diestheria jiayuguanensis Shen and Chen, in Shen et al., 1982, Yumenestheria delicatula Shen and Chen, in Shen et al., 1982. These two species are common in the Chijinpu Formation of the Hexi Corridor, Gansu. This indicates a correlative relationship between these two formations, and both of them are of Jiufotangian age.