新疆巴里坤三塘湖晚志留世阿苏山组三叶虫包括Ananaspis fecunda Barrande,Cheirurus barkolensis sp.nov.和Pacificurus sp.,与准噶尔盆地西北部乌图布拉格,哈萨克斯坦及捷克波西米亚的晚志留世三叶虫关系密切。另外对中国5个地区晚志留世三叶虫地层作了对比。Ananaspis,Pacificurus二属在中国是初次发现。
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Trilobites described from the lower part of the Asushan Formation (Pridolian or late Ludlovian to Pridolian) of Santanghu, Barkol, NE Xinjiang, comprise Ananaspis fecunda Barrande, Pacificurus sp. and Cheirurus barkolensis sp. nov. The Silurian fauna from Barkol (northeast Junggar) and Utubulak(northwest Junggar) are intimately ralated to the late Silurian trilobites and graptolites of Kazakhstan and central Europe, especially the Bohemian area. A review on the Pridolian, or late Ludlovian to Pridolian trilobites from five areas in China is given. Ananaspis and Pacificurus is recorded from China for the first time.