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This paper discussed the achievements in the study on Cretaceous biostratigraphy of the Hailaer Basin. The presence of a representative of the Jehol Biota, Epherneropsis trisetalis in Longjiang Formation, and abundant Cicatricosisporites, Pilosisporites and Concavissirnisporites in the Jiufengshan Formation, and the isotopic age 105-- 141Ma of volcanic rocks of the Longjiang and Ganhe formations, have demonstrated that the Xinanling Group is the Early stage of early Cretaceous in age. In the Zalainuoer Group, the fossil ostracoda fauna of Cypridea, Lirnnocypridea, Ilyocyprirnorpha and Hailaeria, the N-V Phytoplankton Group with Nyktericysta and Vesperopsis and abundant spores of Lygopodiaceae, especially the genus Cicatricosisporites dormlnant in content. They represent the distinct fauna and flora of Early Cretaceous in NE China. A few pollen of Asteropollis, Tricolpites and Polyporites occur in the Nantun Formation, it seems to imply that the age of Zalainuoer Group is middle--late of the Early Cretaceous. And the Qingyuangang Formation is characterized by the prosperous member Talicypridea, Altanicypris, Chinocypridea and Harbinia, which represent the fossil ostracoda fauna with distinct regional character, and may be correlated with the Sifangtai Formation of Songliao Basin, indicating their Maastrlchtlan age, Late Cretaceous.
Q915.87 P618.130.2