在广西南丹罗富的塘丁组上部,Ductina(Illaenula)vietnamica Maxi mova层之下采到一块Leonaspis guangxiensis Zhou in Zhou and Liu,1977较完好的蜕壳后的原地埋葬标本,标本上反映了它的面线起机能作用,在蜕壳时裂开,在蜕壳过程中,头盖、活动颊、胸节2、3节的裂开并错动,尾部掀开并被推移到左侧。
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A well-preserved specimen of Leonaspis guang-xiensis Zhou in Zhou and Liu, 1977 which was molting in the originally burial sediments is discovered from the upper part of the Tangding Formation in Luofu, Nandan County, Guangxi , below the Ductina(Illaenula) vietnamica Maximova bed. During ecdysis the facial sutures paly an important role. The manner of molting is suggested in the following process: The facial suture separated under pressure while the animal arched with the front of the head and the back of the tail pressing against the sediment surface. Finally the pysidium is slightly flipped the left under the rest of the exoskeleton. This style of molting is comparatively rare in the collections of odontopleurid trilobites all over the world, and may be of very important significance in the recovery of paleoecology.