黑龙江省嘉荫县东南永安村东的黑龙江南岸上白垩统嫩江阶太平林场组底部的黑灰色页岩中,产丰富的俞氏链叶肢介(Halysestheria yui)化石。通过对这批化石材料的扫描电镜研究,发现该种化石壳表在靠背部的生长带上的长线脊间布满小网格装饰。而在光学显微镜下,这种装饰显示为长线脊间偶夹分布于生长带下半部的短线脊,修正了该种化石的特征描述。同时通过该种与青冈链叶肢介(Halysestheria qinggangensis Chen)的对比研究,发现两者区别不大,由于前者命名在先,后者应该是前者的同物异名。
[Key word]
The specimens of Halysestheria yui (Chang) described in this peper are from the blackish grey shales of the basal Taipinglinchang Formation (Nenjiangian) at Yongan village of Jiayin County, Heilongjiang Province, China. Through the comparison between H. yui and H. qinggangensis, it is considered that the latter should be a junior synonym of the former. According to the SEM study of the species H. yui, it is noted that the growth bands near the umbo have regular reticulations between the long radial ridges, while the reticulation feature was overlooked by the observation under light microscope in the early literature. Thus, the description of the species H. yui is revised.
P534.53 F326.25