描述中三叠统青岩组化石海绵3 新属,即硬海绵类:Cohartmanina gen. nov.;六射海绵类:Para hexactinoderma gen. nov.和Micraulospongia gen. nov.,及所属种Cahartmanina bangtoupoensis(Stiller, 1998),Parahexactinoderma leidapoensis gen. et sp. nov.,Micraulospongia qingyanenis gen.et sp. nov.。
[Key word]
Middle Triassic sponges were studied in this paper. Three new genus and their species were described and they are Cohartmanina bangtoupoensis (Stiller), Micraulospongia leidapoensis gen. et sp.nov. and Parahexactinoderma qingyanensis gen. et sp.nov. from the Qingyan Formation.
Q959.12 P534.51