为解决鲁西地区上、下石盒子组分界问题,在相关地层共采集处理孢粉样品100多块,经系统研究建立本区上、下石盒子组两个孢粉组合,自下而上为:1)Sinulatisporites sinensis-Patellisporites meishanensis组合;2)Anticapipollis reticor pus-Macrotorispora gigantea组合。根据所建立的孢粉组合特征,经与华北各地二叠系孢粉组合广泛对比,进一步阐述各孢粉组合的地质时代,并为本区二叠系上、下石盒子组的分界提出了较为可靠的意见。该界线与区内中期华夏植物群晚期和晚期华夏植物群早期植物群界线基本一致。
[Key word]
In order to resolve the regional stratigraphic correlation related to the Middle Permian and Late Permian, the authors studied the palynology of the Upper and Lower Shihezi formations of Permian in coal mines of western Shandong region. More than 100 samples were selected and macerated. Through systematic study, two palynological assemblages in this region have been established as follows:
Q913.84 Q944.571
国家自然科学基金 (No .49872 0 5 7)资助课题