报道产自吉林省延边早白垩世大拉子组植物化石新类型——星学异麻黄(Alloephedra xingxuei gen.et sp.nov.)。大拉子组的时代处于早白垩世的阿普特期-阿尔必期(Aptian-Albian)。化石标本保存了植物的茎枝、雌球花及种子;该种的茎枝分节,节间具细纵槽纹,叶退化,雌球花单个着生于小枝顶部,种子成对且种子顶部宿存珠孔管等特征与现存麻黄科植物最为相近,因此可能属于麻黄科。
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A new fossil plant, Alloephedra xingxuei gen. et sp. nov. is described. The fossils were collected from the Dalazi Formation in Yanji Basin, Jilin Province of China. The Dalazi Formation belongs to the Aptian-Albian of Early Cretaceous in age. Impressions of reproductive shoots, female cones and seeds were preserved in a fossil specimen and its counterpart. The new fossil plant is comparable to the living Ephedra on account of a series of morphological characters, including the striated shoots and branches, the bi-ovulate cones, the seed with a short micropylar tube, and is attributed to Ephedraceae thereby. Comparisons between the new fossil and other known ephedroid fossils and extant Ephedraceae are performed. The occurrence of Ephedraceae in Dalazi Formation is a significant paleoclimatological and paleofloristic indicator for the locality.
Q914.8 Q914.653
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KSCXZ-SW-101A)和国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. 30130030)资助课题.新种为庆祝李星学先生2002年85华诞而命名.