文内描述了在新疆塔里木盆地覆盖区QB-1井(黑土凹线)和TZ-32井(却尔却克组)中发现的3种奥陶纪冷水型胞石.即Tanuchitina sp.cf.achabae Paris,Linochitina pissotensis Paris和Siphonochitina bella sp.nov.,时代为中到晚奥陶世。冷水型胞石在奥陶纪主要分布于冈瓦纳大陆北缘和英国等中高纬度地区,沿冈瓦纳大陆边缘向北的洋流将这些中高纬度的表层冷水型胞石带入低纬度的塔里木板块内,热带下沉作用能使它们在深水的盆地相中获得适宜的环境温度而得以生存。
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Ordovician cold-water chitinozoan species, viz. Tanuchitina sp. cf. achabae Paris, Linochitina pissotensisParis and Siphonochitina bella sp. nov., are discovered from the TZ-32 Well (the Charchaq Formation) and QB-1 Well (theHeituao Formation) in the Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, China. Species of Linochitina and Siphonochitina were mainly found fromhigh latitude areas. The findings of these species in the Tarim Basin confirms that these cold-water origin genera can beobtained outside the Gondwanaland margin. The age of those fossils is Middle to Late Ordovician. Three species are describedand illustrated in the present paper.