描述三合植物群24种(归17科22属),其中17已知种,1新种(Zizyphus orbitofolia)和6未定种。此化石植物群包含蕨类植物1种1种,裸子植物5属5种,被子植物16属18种,其中有2形态属,其余全归现代属。这个植物群的物种数量虽不多,但其多样性是很明显的。植物群中壳斗科有3属5种,是属种最多的科。其次杉科有3属3种,豆科2属2种,其余14科仅有1属1种。植物群中只有Sequoia、Fukienia和Palaeocarya是常绿植物,其余均属落叶植物,是一个针叶和落叶阔叶混交林。三合植物群的成分与朝鲜北部咸镜北道会宁植物群类似,属于渐新世。
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This paper describes the Sanhe flora found at Qingshui stream near the town Sanhe in Longjing County, Jilin Province, Northeast China. This flora comprises 24 species belonging to 22 genera within 17 families and represents a mixed coniferous and deciduous broad leaved forest. Here, only 17 known species, one new species, Zizyphus orbitofolia and 6 undetermined species are described. This flora has a great diversity of species. In addition, comparison is made among the Sanhe flora and the Hoeng yeong and the Kogeonwoon floras in North Korea. As a result, the fossil bearing strata, as a new stratigraphic unit the Sanhe Formation is suggested. Based upon comparison with other Asian Tertiary floras, the Sanhe flora is considered to be Oligocene in age.
国家自然科学基金 (No .39930 0 2 0 ,No .30 70 0 77)