四川西部白玉地区上三叠统以Phycosiphon为优势属的深水得理石遗迹相,与菲律宾苏禄海的现代浊积序列中Phycosiphon遗迹群落特征最为相似,显示了构造活动带深海环境的贫氧和高沉积速率的特点。这些Phycosiphon遗迹化石因沉积速率差异而有A、B,C,D4种不同的形态特征,其中Phycosiphon A型是后浊积遗迹相,代表相对高沉积速率,PhycosiphonD和C型是前浊积遗迹相,
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A deep water flysch trace assemblage dominated by Phycosiphon has been found from the Late Triassic of the Baiyu area, western Sichuan Province. The trace a ssemblage is analogous to the recent Phycosiphon community in the turbidite sequences in Sulu Sea, Philippines, indicating a high sedimentary rate and exaer obic oceanic bottom of active tectonic zones. Accorrding to the changes of sedim entary rate, the specimens of Phycosiphon could be distinguished as four mor photypes. Among them, Phycosiphon A refers to the post depositional traces , suggesting a higher rate; while Phycosiphon D, C are considered to be pre de positional traces, indicating a stable depositional environment with low sedimen tary rate, and Phycosiphon B may represent a transitional morphotype betwee n Phycosiphon A and Phycosiphon D. Taking into account the ecological similarity with the recent Phycosiphon community of Sulu Sea, the paleogeogr aphic aspect of the Baiyu Sea, a volcanic islands arc tensional basin during th e Late Triassic, could be well comparable with the case of the recent Sulu Sea B asin, therefore the Baiyu Basin might have been characterized by steep slope, fr equent turbidite, high depositional rate more than 100cm/ka, and sedimentary bot tom in exaerobic zone; the paleo sea seems to have been a depositional basin si lled by volcanic islands.