The present memoir makes an extensive study of the fossil plants collected from the Upper Palaeozoic strata of Inner Mongolia and NW Shanxi(Shansi), laying stress on their biostra igraphical significance and arrached with 94 plates and a detailed English abstract. The monograph consists of introduction, descriptions of genera and species, conclusions, together with plates and explanation of plates, and references. Descriptions of species and genera constitute the main part of the memoir. Altogether 162 recognizable forms are elaborately described with
[Key word]
The present memoir makes an extensive study of the fossil plants collected from the Upper Palaeozoic strata of Inner Mongolia and NW Shanxi(Shansi), laying stress on their biostra igraphical significance and arrached with 94 plates and a detailed English abstract. The monograph consists of introduction, descriptions of genera and species, conclusions, together with plates and explanation of plates, and references. Descriptions of species and genera constitute the main part of the memoir. Altogether 162 recognizable forms are elaborately described with