[Key word]
Before 1985 some 54 Ordovician agnostidspecies and subspecies had been described fromChina.They were assigned to the following ele-ven genera and subgenera:Geragnostus,Trinodus,Pseudagnostus,Corrugatagnostus,Pseudoperonop-sis,Girvanagnostus,Geragnostella,Peziziopsis,Sphaeragnostus,Leiagnostus and Micragnostus.Most of them were based on inadequate materialand the range of morphological variation in theseforms largely unknown.After comparison,thepresent author tentatively retain 43 of the 54 spe-cies pendingfu rther material becoming available.They are now reassigned to the following ninegenera:Geragnostus,Arthrorhachis,Corrugatag-