本文报道了一块来自云南省昆明市附近寒武纪第二世第四期关山生物群具咬痕的双瓣壳节肢动物吐卓虫 (Tuzoia)化石, 系吐卓虫咬痕化石在全球范围的首次发现。该发现证实作为主动捕食者的吐卓虫很可能被大型捕食者(如奇虾类或莱德利基虫类三叶虫等)捕食, 说明寒武纪早期的海洋生物群落已经具有高度复杂化的食物链, 为进一步了解吐卓虫的生态位及深入探讨寒武纪大爆发时期海洋生态系统食物网结构提供了新的信息。
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First fossil record of bite marks on the bivalved arthropod Tuzoia is reported from the Guanshan biota (Stage 4, Series 2, Cambrian) in Yunnan Province, South China. These bite marks, probably produced by predators such as radiodonts or redlichid trilobites, are interpreted as recovery of unsuccessful predatory attacks. The new discovery shows that Tuzoia were preyed upon by larger predators, indicating the existence of a complex food chain in the early Cambrian. This report provides new information in understanding the ecological niche of Tuzoid arthropods and the food web structure of the early Cambrian marine ecosystems.