缅甸琥珀生物群产自距今约98.8 Ma的白垩纪中期, 该生物群是世界上物种多样性很高的琥珀生物群之一, 为了解白垩纪中期生物多样性和古生态提供了重要窗口。文中以近年来缅甸琥珀地层学、琥珀生物学研究为依据, 总结缅甸琥珀形成环境, 并对缅甸琥珀揭示的昆虫与植物的协同演化、昆虫的捕食、社会性证据、寄生、求偶和结构色等方面的研究结果进行总结, 以期较全面地综述缅甸琥珀的古环境和昆虫行为生态学特征。
[Key word]
Burmese amber contains one of the most diverse amber biotas all around the world. The geological age for Burmese amber is about 98.8 Ma, which was widely accepted as mid-Cretaceous. The Burmese amber biota provides an important window for us to seek the biodiversity and palaeoecology of the ancient world. Here, based on the study of stratigraphy and palaeobiolo-gy, palaeoenvironment and the deductions of the insect behavioral ecology proposed by numerous authors are comprehen-sively reviewed. These fields refer to co-evolution of insect and plant, predation, eusocial evidence, parasitism, courtship be-havior and structural coloration, provide us a more comprehensive summary of palaeoecology and insect behavioral ecology in Burmese amber.