文中首次报道了缅甸琥珀中的长扁甲Mallecupes qingqingae Jarzembowski, Wang and Zheng, 2017的阳茎化石, 并讨论了该器官的古昆虫学和现生昆虫学意义。甲虫在现生生物中的多样性最高, 而它们的生殖器则在甲虫系统分类中的应用已经超过百年历史。这些小而精美的器官通常很难保存在化石里, 但文中特异保存在中生代琥珀中的生殖器则为原鞘亚目甲虫的分类学研究提供了新的启示。
[Key word]
The aedeagus is reported from the first cupedine beetle to be described from Burmese amber, Mallecupes qingqingae Jar-zembowski, Wang and Zheng, 2017; its palaeo- and neoentomological significance is discussed. Beetles are the most diverse group of living organisms and the male genitalia have proved important in their detailed classification for over one hundred years. These small, delicate structures are not normally available to palaeontologists but are now being found exceptionally preserved in Mesozoic amber providing greater insight than was previously possible.
中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDB26000000, XDA19050101)、现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室基金项目(183101)、Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship [EAJ]“Leverhulme基金”项目和国家自然科学基金项目(41622201, 41688103)联合资助。