根据缅甸北部克钦地区产出的白垩纪中期琥珀中保存的蜡蝉, 建立了1新属1新种——三瓣残缺蜡蝉(Ayaimatum trilobatum gen. et sp. nov.), 该新属新种属于白垩纪的拟蛛蜡蝉科(Mimarachnidae)。本文对拟蛛蜡蝉科的属种记录进行了综述, 同时探讨了这一灭绝科属种的多样性和形态分异。
[Key word]
A new genus and species, Ayaimatum trilobatum gen. et sp. nov. Jiang and Szwedo, is described based on a planthopper preserved in mid-Cretaceous amber from Kachin State, northern Myanmar, and assigned to the Cretaceous planthopper fam-ily Mimarachnidae. A short overview of fossil record of the Mimarachnidae is given. The taxonomic diversity and morpho-logical disparity of this extinct group is briefly discussed.
国家自然科学基金项目(41702018, 41790452, 41930218, 41572010, 41622201, 41688103)和中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDB26000000)联合资助。