文中根据产自白垩纪中期缅甸琥珀中的一块蜚蠊标本, 建立一新种Stavba vrsanskyi sp. nov., 归入自由蜚蠊科(Liberiblattinidae)。新种与Stavba babkaeva Vr?anská and Vr?ansky, 2019不同之处在于其头部近三角形, 前翅R脉简单且无二级分支, M脉分支较少。新材料的发现进一步增加了白垩纪缅甸琥珀中蜚蠊的生物多样性。
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A new species, Stavba vrsanskyi sp. nov., is established and attributed to the family Liberiblattinidae on the basis of a blat-tarian specimen from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. The new specie differs from Stavba babkaeva Vr?anská and Vr?ansky, 2019 in the following characteristics: triangular head shape, R of forewing without secondary branches and less M. This new find provides novel biology diversity in Blattaria in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber.