记述的两种新植物分别来自秦岭地区的凤县和镇安县。产于凤县草凉驿红花铺草凉驿组的Adiantites honghuapuensis sp.nov.,至少二次羽状复叶,羽片线形,以宽角着生于羽轴上;小羽片椭圆形,羽片基部的小羽片偶尔分裂为2—3个裂片。小羽片基部收缩,有短柄或以较宽的基部着生于羽轴上,扇状脉。另一产自镇安县茅坪东山梁二峪河组的Qinlingopteris orientalis gen.et sp.nov.,其特征是二次羽状复叶,末二级羽轴与末级羽轴夹角较小,大约30^#左右。小羽片亚对生,长卵形或亚圆形,顶端较窄,中部较宽,基部较狭并具短柄;叶脉扇状;羽轴上具间小羽片,间小羽片与正常小羽片等形同大。草凉驿组的地质时代大致为纳缪尔期至维斯发早期,而二峪河组则为早石炭世维宪期。
[Key word]
The general aspects of the floral assemblage from the Carboniferous of the Qinling Mt. area have been described (Sze H C,1953; Deng Bao,1978; Wu Xiuyuan and Deng Bao,1983). In the assemblage, a number of species with archaeopterid venation have been recorded. They include Cardiopteridium spetsbergense Nathorst, C.nanum (Eichwald), Triphyllopteris collombiana Schimper, Adiantites sp. and Cardiopteris? sp. from the Visean Eryuhe Formation, and Anisopteris petiolata Hirmer from the Namurian to Early Westphalian Caoliangyi Formation. In the current study, two new species with archaeopterid venation are reported. Adiantites honghuapuensis sp. nov. is discovered from the Caoliangyi Formation of Fengxian, Shaanxi. It was not described in the previous study (Wu Xiuyuan and Deng Bao, 1983), since it could not be definitely assigned to a certain genus due to the unusual morphological character. In recent years, some fronds morphologically similar to the new species have been recorded from the Namurian of Dashitoujing, Shikongzhen, Zhongning, Ningxia, and assigned to various genera such as Adiantites cf. cardiopteroides Read (Zhang Shanzhen et al., 1992) and Cardiopteris ningxiaensis Chen, Sun et Zhou (Chen Fen et al., 1994). They often occur in the Carboniferous (mostly the Namurian) of Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia. Qinlingopteris orientalis gen. et sp. nov. is discovered from the Eryuhe Formation of Maoping in Zhenan , Shanxi. It has intercalary pinnule so as to be very significant stratigraphically and botanically. Therefore, herein we particularly describe these two species, with comparison to some fronds alike.
中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目 (KZCX 2 SW 13 0 ),国家自然科学基金 (No .40 10 2 0 0 2 )资助课题